One of the costs of business is marketing. Yes, the M word. Today, a website is not merely a marketing strategy, it is your online store/office front. Anyone looking for a service or retailer will Google it first. That's today's reality, no point denying it.
As a startup or growing business, you know that it took a lot to get you to where you are. Some of the work you did on your own, after all it was your vision that put you on this path. The rest you managed with help: banks, staff, manufacturers, etc. You've spent money on getting the equipment, the tools, the products, the space, and yes, the staff. So why spend too much on a website? You can do this yourself in 3 easy steps as advertised or solicit the help of your neighbour's kid.
First impressions don't get second chances. Consumers today have become experts at navigating the Internet and have a higher expectation when they interact with websites.
Using an experienced web design firm, that knows what works and what doesn't, can be the difference between winning clients or loosing them to the competition. Using a company that understand your goals and can provide the best advice is a deal maker.
Femtech Media's reliable and professional designers and web developers work with clients to deliver distinctive web solutions. Our no-nonsense approach is what helps us get the job done on time and on budget. Femtech Media beleives in a partnership approach to building websites. While we have the experience and know-how to build quality, professional sites that get results, you know your business. We work with you to reflect your style, tone and needs. We involve you so your website is an integral part of your business.
We can also help you with:
Manage your site on your terms. With a Content Management System, you can add/edit/delete page, order and reorder your content, on your time and on your dime. We set it up, you take over.
However, if your time is better spent on your business than on website editing, we're always here to help.
Add products, Manage orders, send notifications when orders are shipped, showcase deals, and cut out the middle man. Keep more of your profit with a shopping cart site.
We do it all from A to Z then hand over the keys, figuratively speaking, and we give you full control to grow your business. We are always here should you need assistance.
Many website designer are not interested in small jobs. We say "bring it on!".
Keep your website information up to date such as time of operations, locations, service or product offerings. This is crucial for search engines and particularly for your potential clients.
Keep your WP or other CMS install and plugins updated. Upgrade the site to meet new PHP 7.x standards. Add responsive layout to make the site more easily accessible to smart phones.